How’s it Work ?

Experts In Embodied
Sexual Education

When you need a professional ‘other’ to handle the sensitive nature of sexual desire.

A professional to guide you through the process of getting a Sex Worker to Help People Through Sexual Education

I offer sexual services in a convenient and confidential setting. My workspace is located in Newtown, NSW. To schedule an appointment, please call [phone number] or email [email address]

 What the client needs to do:

To schedule an appointment, the client will need to call my office or email me. I will then ask them a few questions to determine if my services are a good fit for them. If so, we will schedule an initial consultation. During the consultation, we will discuss their challenges and goals in more detail. If we both feel that therapy is a good option, I will create a treatment plan.

The client will then need to attend therapy sessions on a regular basis. The frequency of sessions will depend on their individual needs. I will also provide them with homework assignments to help them apply what they learn in therapy to their everyday lives.

Sex education can be a challenging but rewarding process. With hard work and dedication, the client can overcome their challenges and achieve their goals.

How It Works

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Consult the client on what they would like out of my services. Anything that would help me in assisting you to receive these services? ie, What adaptations are needed for clients living with disability ?


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What makes you different from other Firms?

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What information should I provide to case?

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What Payment Methods are supported?

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How to contact your attorney?

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We Help With Issues in Sexual Expression

If you’re ready to take the next step in your sex life, I encourage you to reach out to me. I’m here to help you reach your goals and live a happier, healthier, passionate life.

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